Garnish Music Production School | Tokyo

Quantizing Multi-Track Drums in Logic Pro

This installment is about quantizing not only multiple drum tracks at the same time, but really it is about quantizing multiple AUDIO tracks. Why do you need to do this?

Should you need to apply FLEX TIME to quantize multiple audio tracks then the method covered in this video is the fastest way to get there.

Let’s go over some practical applications:

Quantizing Multi-Track Drums

  • This is a dream feature. You can ask anyone that recorded music professionally before the years 2000. This use to take producers/engineers so long to do. Now we get to enjoy the benefits of the digital revolution and we can do this in mere minutes. Your drums will sound more powerful when everything is on time and just to be clear, we are not talking about SWING here, we are talking about QUANTIZING.

Locking in the Rhythm Section (Bass and Drums)

  • Professional productions do not happen my mistake. There are certain requirements when building a PRO sound. One of those requirements is that the Bass and Drums be locked in rhythmically. You can quantize these together to ensure they sound how you want them to. This will take you one step closer to creating BIG productions.

Polishing Guitar performances that are sloppy

  • When tracking musicians, this feature gives you some flexibility. It is nice to know that a recording performance does not have to PERFECT. This also applies to Vocals and Back-Up Vox too (or any other melodic/rhythmic instrument).

Creating Professional Loops

  • I created Loops for AKAI and this feature was a life-saver. When tracks are all lined up, other users can import them into their DAW and use the loops quickly.

I am so grateful to be living in a time where Music Production is more accessible than ever. We have all the tools necessary to create PROFESSIONAL sounding productions. Start using what we covered today and you will hear your productions improve immediately. Cheers!!!

Eddie Grey is one of two T3 Apple Logic certified music production trainers, that feature on our Logic Production CourseLogic Producer Program, and Songwriting & Production Academy in our Music Production School in Los Angeles.

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